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1E-SPA - Lingua inglese PV-CL1-4 a.s. 2022-2023

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Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Statale
“Daniele Marignoni – Marco Polo”

Via Melzi D’Eril, n°9 - 20154 MILANO – Tel. 02313059 – Fax 0233103924
Succursale: Via Demostene, n°40 – Tel. 0249518420 - 1- Fax 0227000872
Codice fiscale 97722510159 Cod. Mecc. MIIS102004 Codice univoco UFQW0L
e-mail: info@marignonipolo.edu.it miis102004@istruzione.it

Programma svolto

Indirizzo: ITE Turistico

Classe: 1E-SPA

Materia: Lingua inglese

Docente: Muzzi Anna


Starter Unit - Unit 1/2

Vocabulary: countries and nationalities; classroom objects; preposition of places; numbers, days and dates; time - everyday objects; adjectives; hobbies and free time activities. Grammar: present simple be; imperatives; can; subject and object pronouns; this / that / these / those - have got; there is / there are; plural nouns; possessive ’s; possessive adjectives; a / an; some / any; present simple; adverbs of frequency; like + -ing; prepositions of time. Functions: personal information; classroom language, describing objects; agreeing and disagreeing.


RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOURS Personal competence: important things. Citizenship competence: respecting public property. Group work and presentation about public property.





    Unit 3   Vocabulary: money and prices; shops; clothes. Grammar: present continuous; present simple vs present continuous; verbs of perception and state verbs. Functions: buying things.

    Unit 4   Vocabulary: food and drink; adjectives to talk about food. Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns; much / many / a lot of / lots of; too many / too much / (not)enough. Functions: talking about food; ordering food.

    Unit 5   Vocabulary: family members; feelings. Grammar: possessive adjectives and pronouns; whose and possessive’s; infinitive of purpose; past simple be. Functions: asking for permission.

    Unit 6   Vocabulary: parts of the house and furniture; -ed and -ing ;adjectives. Grammar: past simple (regular verbs); modifiers: quite, very, really. Functions: expressing emotions.

    Unit 7   Vocabulary: character adjectives; friends and friendship; past time expressions. Grammar: past simple (irregular verbs). Functions: talking about past events.


    BULLYING AND CYBERBULLYING Reading: Leaving a footprint. definition of "digital footprint”. Class discussion: Responsible behaviour - Do's and dont's of online activity. Class discussion: group A (parents) list 5 reasons why you should control your teenagers' online activity; group B (teens) list 5 reasons why you should be free to do what you want online. Listening: Cyberbullying: an old problem, a new face. Vocabulary: learn the meaning of the words: harass, threaten, argument, pattern, upset, withdrawal, avoiding.

    SUSTAINABILITY Environmentally sustainable behaviours. Presentation of the activity. Realizzazione di un fumetto con pixton in laboratorio. Presentazione fumetti sulla sostenibilità ambientale. (Attività svolta con Spagnolo e la collaborazione di un insegnante tirocinante di sostegno)


    Attività e metdologie: lezione frontale partecipata, group-work, brain-storming, ascolto di testi prodotti da madrelingua in situazioni tipiche e attività per favorire l’apprendimento informale (visione di video in lingua, role plays), presentazioni di elaborati con uso della lavagna digitale o tramite video prodotti dagli studenti.

    Strumenti didattici: libro di testo in versione cartacea e digitale: Get thinking Concise (Cambridge); lavagna digitale, computer, laboratorio multimediale; piattaforma didattica multimediale: Google Classroom, per la condivisione di materiali e l’assegnazione di compiti.

    Muzzi Anna
    Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
    21/06/2023 - 15:00